Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf GmbH

New greenhouse construction (ca. 5,200 m²) for the biological production of seedlings und vegetables in accordance with the Bioland association guidelin

  • Watzkendorf
  • Watzkendorf
  • Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf

Basic evaluation
Preliminary planning
Design plans
Preparation of permit applications
Construction documentation

Contract preparation and assistance

Project supervision

The new greenhouse comes in a Venlo design divided up by partitioning walls and gables into three seedlings sections, one vegetables section, and a connecting corridor with a core chamber and an underground storage space.

The utilisation of renewable energies was a primary focus in implementing this project. The basic heat load of the new greenhouse facility is covered by the waste heat from the adjacent biogas unit.  A solar panel system installed in the connecting corridor supplies the greenhouse with electricity. Rainwater falling on the greenhouse roof is stored in a rainwater collection tank, where it is available to be used for watering the organically grown cultures.

2010 to 2012

Biogärtnerei Watzkendorf
Zum Mühlenbach 12

D-17237 Blankensee- Watzkendorf


Contact person: Ms. Kabath

Biogärtnerei Watzkendorf
Tel. +49 39826 – 123 65

Grönfingers Gartenfachmarkt
Erdwärme ist, je nach Ölpreis, wirtschaftlich nutzbar VON DR. CHRISTIAN HUBER
Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf
GEFOMA ist Partner des Konsortiums ADVANCED UV for LIFE
Landgut Pretschen
Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf
Grönfingers Gartenfachmarkt
Erdwärme ist, je nach Ölpreis, wirtschaftlich nutzbar VON DR. CHRISTIAN HUBER
Grönfingers Gartenfachmarkt
Erdwärme ist, je nach Ölpreis, wirtschaftlich nutzbar VON DR. CHRISTIAN HUBER
GEFOMA ist Partner des Konsortiums ADVANCED UV for LIFE
Landgut Pretschen
Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf